

It's been a few months since I last wrote about running, but I have a good reason for that. I stopped running lol.

The pandemic summer caught up to me; my stomach bouncing up and down from the rollercoaster of events. Politics, injustices, vacations, deaths, socially-distanced picnics. It all rolled into one long-short beautiful-terrible summer. Faced with a knee injury that wouldn't quit, I looked to the only thing I could do safely inside my Brooklyn apartment; art.

I dusted off my work IG account, took a class on social media marketing, and illustrated so much that I got an overuse injury in my wrist. When that gave me pause, I turned to photography. Without running to balance me, I became a workaholic; pushing the outside world further away with my artwork. 

I've always created a lot of art, working fast both in and outside of my full-time creative career. What became different this summer was the singularity of it. It was the only thing I could do. Or at least, that's what I told myself.

In any other year, I'd be focusing on the marathon. Hours spent drawing today, would have been spent running with teammates before. Time spent hashtagging on instagram, would have been spent rehabbing my injury. Instead- I let my knee injury linger. Without a race day to be well by, what did it really matter?

Which is why it should be no shock to anyone, that when I finally laced up for another run yesterday, my injury was still there waiting for me. It turns out, ignoring something doesn't mean it will go away. Some things need to be faced to be changed. In this case, to be healed.

So, I'm going to try and do just that. This month, I'll be focusing on rehab. I'll try replacing time on screens with strength training and walks outside. Hopefully, with a little healing, I'll be back to running, and a more balanced lifestyle, soon. Wish me luck!