A Summer Distance Challenge


"Interesting, you are running in those shoes?," my teammate asked.

"Yeah, I run in them all the time!" I said without looking down. My shorts did feel a bit short now that I thought of it. I forgot bodyglide. Why was I wearing all of my good jewelry?

Another teammate approached me and looked down. "Huh, whatever floats your boat!"

I followed his eyes down my legs. Below my running socks were a pair of strappy black heels. Omg, I need to change! I thought frantically as I ran to the bag check. My thigh reddened with chafing. I stuffed credit cards into my pockets and tied sneakers onto my feet. Somewhere behind me, I could hear the race starting.

I woke up in a panic.

Last month a friend convinced me to sign up for NYC Run's Subway Challenge and I've been on the struggle bus ever since.

It was, and is, a great idea. A challenge to run the length of the subway system, 245 miles, before the end of summer. The entry fee went straight to a good cause, so naturally it was an easy choice.

But as the days grow hotter, the runs are getting harder. The park is full of people, many of whom without masks, keeping me on my toes. My own mask makes breathing difficult; sweat spilling over my top lip and soaking it. 

My runs are becoming dreaded, and sometimes, avoided.

This is a stark difference to just a short month ago, when running everyday gave me peace of mind. Of course, as a long-time distance runner, I've been in this space before. 

Being a marathon runner actually is a lot like the subway. Sometimes you make your train, get a seat, and get to work on time. Other times, you don't. You miss your train, get annoyed, and wait it out. But eventually, with patience, the train will come and you'll move forward. 

That's the space where I am now; waiting for my train. 

With any luck, I'll find my legs again, and will finish out the challenge strong. But if I don't, that's ok too. I have the patience to wait it out. I'm here for the community, not for the wins. I'm here because I love running, want to give back, and heck, even find myself missing the stupid subway. Might as well try to run it!

Thanks as always for sticking with me on the ups and downs of marathon running! Have a good summer running tip? A better mask alternative? I’m all ears!