Rose Colored Glasses (Chicago Marathon Training Update)

Throwing on some Rose Colored Glasses during my training

Throwing on some Rose Colored Glasses during my training

Howdy folks! Last we spoke, I was gearing up to join my local team- PPTC- in training for the Chicago Marathon. I was amped to have a new goal, but nervous about running with a new team for a full season. I showed up to the first session not knowing what to expect.

As we circled up, the coach leading the practice asked us to raise our hands if we were currently running 30 miles a week or 50 miles a week. I had never run that much in my life, let alone in the off season, so I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the worst.

But the worst never came, and in fact, it was the best. I naturally fell into stride with some new running friends and enjoyed pushing myself in the harder efforts. I reached out to the coaches to trim my training plan, and fell in love with running consistently. My mileage went up, my times went down, and I felt new in a sport in which I had largely considered myself in retirement from.

Quick gear check

Quick gear check

The thing about repetitive injuries is that, at some point, you no longer expect your body to be there for you. You hold it back, never pushing or asking too much of it. This season, I got the chance to unlearn that. I did more running and had more fun that I thought I could. It. Rocked.

But what goes up, must come down- at least for a little bit. Last week I felt a twinge in my calf, and stupidly tried to run through it a few times. This week, I'm pulling back entirely. I'll be subbing in cross training (elliptical, aqua jogging, and bikes) until I get cleared to continue.

Chicago is just a few weeks out, and I'd be lying if I told you I felt good about it. I am worried and a mess, but I also know that whatever comes from this, I've had a total blast. I think that's worth quite a bit.

Pssst: I recently had the pleasure doing more running-related artwork, both for PPTC and for Shape Magazine! You can find the half marathon and 5k training plans I designed here, and follow PPTC on IG for some fun animations. Enjoy!