Who wears short shorts
Do these running shorts make me look insecure?
Standing in my bedroom earlier this week, I poured all of my running clothes onto my bed. This week was going to be rough. First week of training with my team, and the weather was already in the 90s. Sure, the running would be uncomfortable, but worse, I was going to have to wear running shorts.
Running is the great equalizer. In my time as a runner, I have beat women with flat abs, and have lost to men with beer bellies. I have been outrun numerous times by pregnant ladies, and won races against guys whose legs were twice as long as mine. Every body runs.
A fact I can easily forget when it is time to pull out my shorts. Running shorts, which tend to be on the miniature side, remind me that even at 30, I am still not 100% comfortable in my own skin. Walking to my route, I wonder if my shorts look like bikini bottoms, what the backs of my legs look like, and if I will regret not wearing body glide ( yes, I most certainly will regret it ).
Inevitably, I will see other women in running shorts and wonder if they get insecure too. They shouldn't, they all look like beautiful running unicorns to me. Each person that passes is different than the next, but here we are- all bodies on the run. All equally awesome in our strength, and equally smelly in our BO.
Tonight at practice, I will pick up the pace and catch up with friends. Before long I will forget about my insecurities, and how short my shorts are.
I am just too busy running.
Philly Marathon Training, Week One
Oh hey! Week One is half way done! Up on the training calendar for the first week we have 5 days of running, 1 day of cross training, and 1 day of rest. Most of the runs are short and easy.
Above: First practice of the season. All the bagels.
That being said, this is still more than I usually run in a week, so I am a little anxious to see how it goes. I'll be prioritizing stretching and PT work to keep my legs strong enough to bump it up. Wish me luck!